QuickTour 5 Version 1.0b ======================== System Requirements for QuickTour 5: ==================================== MPC Level 2 compliant computer roughly speaking 486 or compatible processor 4MB of Ram 160MB hard drive Double Speed, XA ready, multisession capable CD-ROM Drive 16 Bit Sound Display Resolution of 640x480 with 65,536 We have taken steps to allow the QuickTour to run on more marginal computers. Known Problems ============== On some machines, running the ATI Graphics Ultra PRO with the QuickTour may cause palette problems when you exit from a MS-DOS box and re-enter the QuickTour program. Certain QuickTour elements may appears dark grey. Once an animation or interview is loaded, the palette is properly restored. If you are using the Multimedia Video Acceleration drivers for the ATI Graphics Ultra PRO (or similiar card), and the introductory screen or animations are skewed, or are black, you need to update your video drivers or disable the Accelerated Video. To do this you would use your DOS install program to uninstall your Windows 3.1 Video Drivers. You would then install your ATI drivers again, this time selecting Video Drivers only. For more detailed information please see the ATI manual on disabling the Acceleration Video Drivers.